yugioh cards sample app
i apply mobx as state management for this app. at this time, i only implement the list of cards with pagination and detail page. but, i will add some features like sorting, searching, and filter the cards based on availability of multiple parameters in the ygoprodeck.com api. in addition, i use git-karma for the commit messages conventions. there are still room for improvements, so i’m open for any feedback. sharing with one another helps us all grow and learn.
![[2025] Yugioh Cards #1 Sample App using MobX and Chopper yugioh cards](https://i0.wp.com/flutterawesome.com/content/images/2019/07/yugiohcardsv.jpg?resize=770%2C451&ssl=1)
api service
build app
this app required generated code. here is the command:
flutter packages get
flutter packages run build_runner build
flutter run
to do
- [x] chopper for network calls
- [x] using provider
- [ ] favorite cards using moor
- [ ] …
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