weather application for current weather, hourly forecast for 48 hours, daily forecast for 7 days and national weather alerts.
- architecture pattern
- bloc
- cubit
- repository provider
- multi bloc provider
- bloc provider
- bloc builder
- bloc consumer
- bloc listener
- state management
- context passing
- bloc/cubit context passing in navigation
- theme
- multi theme
- dark
- light
- typography
- storage
- hydrated bloc
- local storage with state management
- path provider
- netwok
- interface
- interface for http methods
- get
- put
- post
- delete
- interface implementation for 'dio' library
- data model
- data provider
- respository
- services/api call
- parsing
- interceptor
- auth
- token
- singleton instance of netwrok
- nagivation
- navigation with ongeneratedroute
- navigation router name
- nagivation service
- singleton context
- methods
- puhs
- push and replace
- push and remove until
- pop
- pop to rooot
- reuseable widget
- button
- textfiled
- search textfiled
- listview
- hourly forcast
- daily forcast
- favourite card
- extra
- utils
- enums
- constants
- regexp
- helper
- common function
- extension
- color
- fonts
- string
plugin and there version used in this repository.
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