flutter wordpress rest
this library uses wordpress rest api v2 to provide a way for your application to interact with your wordpress website.
for authentication and usage of administrator level rest apis, you need to use either of the two popular authentication plugins in your wordpress site:
- application passwords
- jwt authentication for wp rest api (recommended)
getting started with wordpress rest
1. import library
import 'package:flutter_wordpress/flutter_wordpress.dart' as wp;
2. instantiate wordpress class
wp.wordpress wordpress;
// adminname and adminkey is needed only for admin level apis
wordpress = wp.wordpress(
baseurl: 'http://localhost',
authenticator: wp.wordpressauthenticator.jwt,
adminname: '',
adminkey: '',
3. authenticate user
future<wp.user> response = wordpress.authenticateuser(
username: 'chiefeditor',
password: '[email protected]',
response.then((user) {
}).catcherror((err) {
print('failed to fetch user: $err');
4. fetch posts
future<list<wp.post>> posts = wordpress.fetchposts(
params: wp.paramspostlist(
context: wp.wordpresscontext.view,
pagenum: 1,
perpage: 20,
order: wp.order.desc,
orderby: wp.postsorderby.date,
fetchauthor: true,
fetchfeaturedmedia: true,
fetchcomments: true,
5. fetch users
future<list<wp.user>> users = wordpress.fetchusers(
params: wp.paramsuserlist(
context: wp.wordpresscontext.view,
pagenum: 1,
perpage: 30,
order: wp.order.asc,
orderby: wp.usersorderby.name,
role: wp.userrole.subscriber,
6. fetch comments
future<list<wp.comment>> comments = wordpress.fetchcomments(
params: wp.paramscommentlist(
context: wp.wordpresscontext.view,
pagenum: 1,
perpage: 30,
includepostids: [1],
7. create post
void createpost(wp.user user) {
final post = wordpress.createpost(
post: new wp.post(
title: 'first post as a chief editor',
content: 'blah! blah! blah!',
excerpt: 'discussion about blah!',
author: user.id,
commentstatus: wp.postcommentstatus.open,
pingstatus: wp.postpingstatus.closed,
status: wp.postpagestatus.publish,
format: wp.postformat.standard,
sticky: true,
post.then((p) {
print('post created successfully with id: ${p.id}');
postcomment(user, p);
}).catcherror((err) {
print('failed to create post: $err');
8. post comment
void postcomment(wp.user user, wp.post post) {
final comment = wordpress.createcomment(
comment: new wp.comment(
author: user.id,
post: post.id,
content: "first!",
parent: 0,
comment.then((c) {
print('comment successfully posted with id: ${c.id}');
}).catcherror((err) {
print('failed to comment: $err');
future work
- implementing oauth 2.0 authentication.
Comments are closed.