A sample Flutter app for creating an artist details page with animations. Sample project for creating an artist details page in Flutter, with animations!
A Flutter staggered grid view which supports multiple columns with rows of varying sizes. Configurable cross-axis count or max cross-axis extent like GridView
Material ColorPicker a color picker for Flutter, based on the Google Docs color picker. Highly configurable Snackbar by Andre Haueisen.
Easily create your own floating action button list. Flutter Floating Action Button with Speed Dial. Add UnicornDialer to your pubspec.yaml
A Flutter implementation of slidable list item with directional slide actions that can be dismissed. Accepts primary (left/top) and secondary (right/bottom)
RangeSlider – Extend Material Slider. An extension of the Flutter Material Slider to allow selection of a range of values via 2 thumbs. A full explanation on
Zoomable Img, a dart+flutter package for panning and zooming images by touch. That’s all you need. See below and example/ for squirrels.
A Flutter carousel slider widget, support infinite scroll and custom child widget, with the autoplay feature. Add carousel_slider: ^0.0.7 in your pubspec.yaml
Parallax Image is a Flutter widget that paints an image and moves it at a slower speed than the main scrolling content. Add dependency to your pubspec.yaml