ticket/pass package
a flutter widget to display the details of a ticket/pass purchased by customers and display the details of the purchase.
the source code is 100% dart, and everything resides in the /lib folder.
kindly :star: the repo to support the project
�� installation
in the dependencies:
section of your pubspec.yaml
, add the following line:
ticket_pass_package: <latest_version>
import in your project:
import 'package:ticket_pass_package/ticket_pass.dart';
❔basic usage
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:ticket_pass_package/ticket_pass.dart';
void main() => runapp(myapp());
class myapp extends statelesswidget {
list<string> sample = <string>[
'sample data 1',
'sample data 2',
'sample data 3',
'sample data 4',
'sample data 5',
'sample data 6',
'sample data 7',
'sample data 8'
widget build(buildcontext context) {
return materialapp(
title: 'movie ticket pass',
home: scaffold(
appbar: appbar(
title: text('movie ticket pass'),
body: center(
child: ticketpass(
alignment: alignment.center,
animationduration: duration(seconds: 2),
expansionchild: container(
color: colors.black,
height: 200,
expandedheight: 500,
expandicon: circleavatar(
maxradius: 14,
child: icon(
color: colors.white,
size: 20,
expansiontitle: text(
'purchased by',
style: textstyle(
fontweight: fontweight.w600,
purchaserlist: sample,
separatorcolor: colors.black,
separatorheight: 2.0,
color: colors.white,
curve: curves.easeout,
titlecolor: colors.blue,
shrinkicon: circleavatar(
maxradius: 14,
child: icon(
color: colors.white,
size: 20,
tickettitle: text(
'sample title',
style: const textstyle(
color: colors.white,
fontweight: fontweight.w600,
fontsize: 18,
titleheight: 50,
width: 300,
height: 200,
shadowcolor: colors.blue.withopacity(0.5),
elevation: 8,
shouldexpand: true,
child: container(
color: colors.blue,
width: 10,
�� developed by
goutham kumar r
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