A json widgett for flutter.
Flutter package: Assorted layout widgets that boldly go where no native Flutter widgets have gone before.
A simple animated circular menu for Flutter, Adjustable radius, colors, alignment, animation curve and animation duration.
A package that provides a highly customizable sheet widget that snaps to different vertical positions.
Extended NavBar Scaffold, a custom Flutter widgets that makes Bottom Navigation Floating and can be expanded with much cleaner and easier way.
Marquee Widget – Scrolls Text. A Flutter widget that scrolls Widget Text and other widgets with supported RTL.
Flutter catalog with source code side-by-side. An opensource app showcasing Flutter components, with side-by-side source code view.
Platform Widgets, target the specific design of Material for Android and Cupertino for iOS widgets through a common set of Platform aware widgets.
Navigation Dot Bar is a Flutter library, which adds a BottomNavigationBar with a better style. Inspired by the application “Reflectly”.
A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android for generating sign-in button for different social media account. Add to pubspec.yaml and import flutter_signin_button.dart
Creating the swipe view as used in the Tinder. Swipe right is considered accepted and swipe left is rejected.
Fluro is a Flutter routing library that adds flexible routing options like wildcards, named parameters and clear route definitions. Simple route navigation
Builds indication marks for PageView in Flutter. Default Material behaviour, Custom animations, Custom icons, Changing the space between the indicators