responsive scaffold
on mobile it shows a list and pushes to details and on tablet it shows the list and the selected item.
getting started
3 column layout
responsive layout
follows material design layout docs.
![[2025] Material Design RESPONSIVE SCAFFOLD for Flutter 1 responsive scaffold](
here is a demo on various sizes.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:responsive_scaffold/responsive_scaffold.dart';
class layoutexample extends statelesswidget {
widget build(buildcontext context) {
return responsivescaffold(
title: text('responsive layout example'),
drawer: listview(
children: <widget>[
leading: icon(icons.settings),
title: text('settings page'),
leading: icon(,
title: text('info page'),
leading: icon(icons.library_books),
title: text('library page'),
leading: icon(,
title: text('help page'),
endicon: icons.filter_list,
enddrawer: listview(
children: <widget>[
leading: icon(icons.filter_list),
title: text('filter list'),
subtitle: text('hide and show items'),
trailing: switch(
value: true,
onchanged: (val) {},
leading: icon(icons.image_aspect_ratio),
title: text('size settings'),
subtitle: text('change size of images'),
title: slider(
value: 0.5,
onchanged: (val) {},
leading: icon(icons.sort_by_alpha),
title: text('sort list'),
subtitle: text('change layout behavior'),
trailing: switch(
value: false,
onchanged: (val) {},
trailing: iconbutton(
icon: icon(,
onpressed: () {},
body: center(
child: raisedbutton(
child: text('close'),
onpressed: () {
floatingactionbutton: floatingactionbutton(
child: icon(icons.add),
backgroundcolor: theme.of(context).accentcolor,
onpressed: () {},
responsive list
- you can use this in two modes
. - on mobile the listview will push to the details screen
- on tablet it will show a master detail view.
- you can add additional slivers to the scrollview and the appbar is optional.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:responsive_scaffold/responsive_scaffold.dart';
void main() => runapp(myapp());
class myapp extends statefulwidget {
_myappstate createstate() => _myappstate();
class _myappstate extends state<myapp> {
var _scaffoldkey = new globalkey<scaffoldstate>();
widget build(buildcontext context) {
return materialapp(
home: responsivelistscaffold.builder(
scaffoldkey: _scaffoldkey,
detailbuilder: (buildcontext context, int index, bool tablet) {
return detailsscreen(
// appbar: appbar(
// elevation: 0.0,
// title: text("details"),
// actions: [
// iconbutton(
// icon: icon(icons.share),
// onpressed: () {},
// ),
// iconbutton(
// icon: icon(icons.delete),
// onpressed: () {
// if (!tablet) navigator.of(context).pop();
// },
// ),
// ],
// ),
body: scaffold(
appbar: appbar(
elevation: 0.0,
title: text("details"),
automaticallyimplyleading: !tablet,
actions: [
icon: icon(icons.share),
onpressed: () {},
icon: icon(icons.delete),
onpressed: () {
if (!tablet) navigator.of(context).pop();
bottomnavigationbar: bottomappbar(
elevation: 0.0,
child: container(
child: iconbutton(
icon: icon(icons.share),
onpressed: () {},
body: container(
child: center(
child: text("item: $index"),
nullitems: center(child: circularprogressindicator()),
emptyitems: center(child: text("no items found")),
slivers: <widget>[
title: text("app bar"),
itemcount: 100,
itembuilder: (buildcontext context, int index) {
return listtile(
leading: text(index.tostring()),
bottomnavigationbar: bottomappbar(
elevation: 0.0,
child: container(
child: iconbutton(
icon: icon(icons.share),
onpressed: () {},
floatingactionbutton: floatingactionbutton(
child: icon(icons.add),
onpressed: () {
content: text("snackbar!"),
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