custom clippers in flutter
check if website is up or down in dart
section titles on listview in flutter
circular progress in flutter
displaying scroll wheels in flutter
post messages to slack with dart
in dart
avoiding ui jitters when switching widgets in flutter
detect redirects in dart
proportional constraints in flutter
displaying cupertino action sheets in flutter
in dart
displaying snackbars in flutter
custom tab bar using togglebuttons in flutter
hashable mixins in dart
flutter tips and tricks in terminal
in dart
cloning objects in dart
color filters in flutter
flattening lists in dart
in dart
managing duplicates in
flatmap and compactmap in dart
in dart
equality of
constants in dart
displaying scrollable bottom sheets in flutter
youtube ad remover in dart
fade between widgets in flutter
sort descriptors in dart
user sortable columns and tables in flutter
in dart
content-length of
recursive dot notation on maps in dart
allow user selection of text in flutter
placing constraints on widgets in flutter
animating position changes in flutter
transitioning between widgets in flutter
doubly linked lists in dart
reordering items inside list views in flutter
custom stream transformers in dart
expanding stream elements in dart
consume streams for a duration in dart
shortening urls in dart
limitedbox widget as listview items in flutter
generically convert anything to int in dart
validating url certificates in dart
displaying popup menus in flutter
implementing drag and drop in flutter
dismissing list items in flutter
animating widgets with ease in flutter
displaying tool tips in flutter
displaying assorted widgets inside tableview in flutter
page indicator with page view in flutter
animating and moving a floating action button in flutter
fading network image widget in flutter
transparent alert dialogs in flutter
network image size in dart
animated icons in flutter
custom scroll views in flutter
parallax app bar in flutter
json http requests in dart
url timeouts in dart
detecting url file types in dart
paginated lists in dart
requesting delete on apis in dart
animated containers in flutter
hiding widgets in flutter
simple opacity animation in flutter
vignette widget in flutter
drop down button configuration and usage in flutter
expandable list items in flutter
infinite scrolling in flutter
infinite arrays in dart
custom color picker component in flutter
displaying and reacting to switches in flutter
displaying bottom bars in flutter
displaying buttons on appbar in flutter
displaying bottom sheets in flutter
converting enums to radio buttons in flutter
check existence of websites in flutter
images inside alertdialog in flutter
returning values from alertdialog in flutter
simple grid view in flutter
rendering bullet points in flutter
retrying futures in flutter
containers as clipovals in flutter
rich texts in flutter
wrapping widgets in flutter
sweep gradients in flutter
and streambuilder
in flutter
blur effect in flutter
convert enums to strings in dart
replacing text in textfield in flutter
aspect ratio in flutter
zoom and pan in flutter
resizing images in flutter to fit screen height
validating urls in flutter
framebuilder for network images in flutter
adding shadow to icons in flutter
calculating median of lists in dart
generic functions with reduce in dart
passing back data from a screen to the previous one in flutter
flinging an animation in flutter
fade animations in flutter
throttling user input in flutter
censoring textfields in flutter
customizing textbutton in flutter
multiline textfields in flutter
filtering textfield input in flutter
focusing manually on textfields in flutter
data streams over http/https in dart
catching nonexistent accessors or methods in dart
using expando in dart
implementing custom maps in dart
dynamically calling functions in dart
factory constructors in dart
calculating the sum of list items in dart
removing duplicate strings in lists in dart (case-insensitive)
implementing range in dart
converting lists to maps in dart
implementing hashable in dart
random name generator in dart
capturing stack traces in dart exceptions
removing duplicates from lists in dart
optional spread operator in dart
calling optional functions in dart
odd-even sort in dart
implementing zip and tuples in dart
swapping values in lists with xor in dart
waiting for multiple futures in dart
using queues as stacks in dart
custom iterators in dart
iterables as ranges and transform in dart
errors vs exceptions in dart
custom annotations in dart
classes as enums in dart
spread operator in collection literals in dart
and streamcontroller
in dart
almost equal in dart
enum associated values in dart
in dart
implementing custom integer types in dart
custom subscripts in dart
dart list enumeration with index
applying mixins to other mixins in dart
parameter types in dart
custom exceptions in dart
ing exceptions in dart
s and json parsing in dart
s vs abstract class
es in dart
, custompaint
and custompainter
drawing shapes in flutter with
generic type aliases in dart
callable classes in dart
synchronous generators in dart
implicit interfaces in dart
did you know that in #dart, every #class implicitly exports an #interface that can be #implemented (as opposed to #extended) by other classes? this is called “implicit interface”.
do you know how “const” constructors work in #dart?
did you know that in #dart, it is actually preferred to use #async and #await over using raw #futures?
in #dart, you can use a combination of #initializer #list plus default values for your class #member #fields to create elegant and handy convenience initializers
did you know that in #dart, you can extract elements of a certain type from your lists using the #wheretype #generic #function instead of calculating the #equality yourselves?
do you know about #type #promotion in dart?
“address” is an optional field of the “person” class. if you look at the “dothis()” function you see that i’m saving the value of address in a local variable and then comparing it with null and then returning if it’s null. the dart compiler is intelligent enough to understand that after the if-statement, “address” is not null anymore since you’ve already compared it with null and returned from the function.
if you look at the “insteadofthis” function, the first one, the dart compiler cannot make the same assumption if you don’t first store the value of address in a local variable. in that first function the dart compiler, even after the if-statement, needs you to refer to address as an optional, using “address?” syntax.
the mechanism the dart compiler uses in the “dothis()” function is called type promotion.
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