a flutter implementation of slidable list item with directional slide actions that can be dismissed.
![[2025] Flutter #1 Slidable List Actions flutter slidable list item actions](https://i0.wp.com/flutterawesome.com/content/images/2018/09/slidable_overview.gif?w=770&ssl=1)
- accepts primary (left/top) and secondary (right/bottom) widget lists as slide actions.
- can be dismissed.
- 4 built-in layouts.
- 2 built-in slide action widgets.
- 1 built-in dismiss animation.
- you can easily create you custom layouts and animations.
- you can use a builder to create your slide actions if you want special effects during animation.
- close when a slide action has been tapped (overridable).
- close when the nearest
starts to scroll (overridable). - option to disable the slide effect easily.
getting started
in the pubspec.yaml
of your flutter project, add the following dependency:
flutter_slidable: "^0.4.7"
in your library add the following import:
import 'package:flutter_slidable/flutter_slidable.dart';
for help getting started with flutter, view the online documentation.
you can create a slidable
in two different ways:
- by calling the
constructor and passing a list of slide actions. - by calling the
constructor and passing slide action builders, if you want special effects during the animation.
a slidable
needs multiple things:
- slide actions (see below for details). they can be any widget. for convenience, this package has 2 built-in side action widgets.
- a delegate. this is what controls the layout and the animation of the slide menu.
- an extent ratio between a slide action extent and the item extent.
- a child.
the actions
contains the slide actions that appear when the child has been dragged down or to the right.
the secondaryactions
contains the slide actions that appear when the child has been dragged up or to the left.
a direction
parameter lets you choose if you want actions to appear when you slide horizontally (default) or vertically.
new slidable(
delegate: new slidabledrawerdelegate(),
actionextentratio: 0.25,
child: new container(
color: colors.white,
child: new listtile(
leading: new circleavatar(
backgroundcolor: colors.indigoaccent,
child: new text('$3'),
foregroundcolor: colors.white,
title: new text('tile n°$3'),
subtitle: new text('slidabledrawerdelegate'),
actions: <widget>[
new iconslideaction(
caption: 'archive',
color: colors.blue,
icon: icons.archive,
ontap: () => _showsnackbar('archive'),
new iconslideaction(
caption: 'share',
color: colors.indigo,
icon: icons.share,
ontap: () => _showsnackbar('share'),
secondaryactions: <widget>[
new iconslideaction(
caption: 'more',
color: colors.black45,
icon: icons.more_horiz,
ontap: () => _showsnackbar('more'),
new iconslideaction(
caption: 'delete',
color: colors.red,
icon: icons.delete,
ontap: () => _showsnackbar('delete'),
built-in slide actions
this package comes with 2 kinds of slide actions:
, which is the most flexible. you can choose a background color, or any decoration, and it takes any widget as a child.iconslideaction
, which requires an icon. it can have a background color and a caption below the icon.
built-in delegates
this package comes with 4 kinds of delegates:
the slide actions stay behind the item while it’s sliding:
![[2025] Flutter #1 Slidable List Actions overview](https://i0.wp.com/raw.githubusercontent.com/letsar/flutter_slidable/master/doc/images/slidable_behind.gif?w=770&ssl=1)
the slide actions follow the item while it’s sliding:
![[2025] Flutter #1 Slidable List Actions overview](https://i0.wp.com/raw.githubusercontent.com/letsar/flutter_slidable/master/doc/images/slidable_scroll.gif?w=770&ssl=1)
the slide actions animate like drawers while the item is sliding:
![[2025] Flutter #1 Slidable List Actions overview](https://i0.wp.com/raw.githubusercontent.com/letsar/flutter_slidable/master/doc/images/slidable_drawer.gif?w=770&ssl=1)
the slide actions stretch while the item is sliding:
![[2025] Flutter #1 Slidable List Actions overview](https://i0.wp.com/raw.githubusercontent.com/letsar/flutter_slidable/master/doc/images/slidable_stretch.gif?w=770&ssl=1)
how to prevent my slide action to close after it has been tapped?
by default, slideaction
and iconslideaction
close on tap.
to prevent this, you can pass in false
to the closeontap
constructor parameter.
how to prevent my slidable list to close after my list has scrolled?
by default, a slidable
closes when the nearest scrollable
widget starts to scroll.
to prevent this, you can pass in false
to the closeonscroll
constructor parameter.
how can i dismiss my slidable list?
in order to make your slidable
dismissible, you have to set the slidetodismissdelegate
parameter of the slidable
you can set any class that inherits slidetodismissdelegate
. for now there is only one built-in: slidetodismissdrawerdelegate
the actiontype
passed to the ondismissed
callback let you know which action has been dismissed.
when a slidable
is dismissible, the key
parameter must not be null.
slidetodismissdelegate: new slidetodismissdrawerdelegate(
ondismissed: (actiontype) {
actiontype == slideactiontype.primary
? 'dismiss archive'
: 'dimiss delete');
setstate(() {
how can i prevent to dismiss one side but not the other?
if you only want one side to be dismissible, you can set the associated threshold to 1.0 or more.
for example, if you don’t want the first primary action to be dismissed, you will set the following thresholds on the slidetodismissdelegate
dismissthresholds: <slideactiontype, double>{
slideactiontype.primary: 1.0
how to let the user cancel a dismissal?
you can let the user confirm the dismissal by setting the onwilldismiss
callback on the slidetodismissdelegate
slidetodismissdelegate: new slidetodismissdrawerdelegate(
onwilldismiss: (actiontype) {
return showdialog<bool>(
context: context,
builder: (context) {
return new alertdialog(
title: new text('delete'),
content: new text('item will be deleted'),
actions: <widget>[
new flatbutton(
child: new text('cancel'),
onpressed: () => navigator.of(context).pop(false),
new flatbutton(
child: new text('ok'),
onpressed: () => navigator.of(context).pop(true),
how to let keep only one slidable
list open?
you have to set the controller
parameter of the slidable
constructors to a slidablecontroller
final slidablecontroller slidablecontroller = new slidablecontroller();
new slidable(
key: new key(item.title),
controller: slidablecontroller,
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