map launcher
map launcher is a flutter plugin to find available maps installed on a device and launch them with a marker for specified location.
android | ios |
![]() |
![]() |
currently supported maps:
- google maps
- baidu maps
- amap (gaode maps)
- apple maps (ios only)
get started for launching maps
add dependency
map_launcher: any
for ios add url schemes in info.plist file
get list of installed maps and launch first
import 'package:map_launcher/map_launcher.dart';
final availablemaps = await maplauncher.installedmaps;
print(availablemaps); // [availablemap { mapname: google maps, maptype: google }, ...]
await availablemaps.first.showmarker(
coords: coords(31.233568, 121.505504),
title: "shanghai tower",
description: "asia's tallest building",
check if map is installed and launch it
import 'package:map_launcher/map_launcher.dart';
if (await maplauncher.ismapavailable( {
await maplauncher.launchmap(
coords: coords,
title: title,
description: description,
example using bottom sheet
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:map_launcher/map_launcher.dart';
void main() => runapp(maplauncherdemo());
class maplauncherdemo extends statelesswidget {
openmapssheet(context) async {
try {
final title = "shanghai tower";
final description = "asia's tallest building";
final coords = coords(31.233568, 121.505504);
final availablemaps = await maplauncher.installedmaps;
context: context,
builder: (buildcontext context) {
return safearea(
child: singlechildscrollview(
child: container(
child: wrap(
children: <widget>[
for (var map in availablemaps)
ontap: () => map.showmarker(
coords: coords,
title: title,
description: description,
title: text(map.mapname),
leading: image(
image: map.icon,
height: 30.0,
width: 30.0,
} catch (e) {
widget build(buildcontext context) {
return materialapp(
home: scaffold(
appbar: appbar(
title: const text('map launcher demo'),
body: center(child: builder(
builder: (context) {
return materialbutton(
onpressed: () => openmapssheet(context),
child: text('show maps'),
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