audio player
a flutter audio player plugin (objc/java) to play remote or local audio files.
- [x] android & ios
- [x] play (remote file)
- [x] stop
- [x] pause
- [x] oncomplete
- [x] onduration / oncurrentposition
- [x] seek
- [x] mute
![[2025] Flutter #1 Audio Player plugin flutter #1 audio player plugin](https://i0.wp.com/flutterawesome.com/content/images/2018/10/audio-1.png?w=770&ssl=1)
to use this plugin :
- add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file.
sdk: flutter
- instantiate an audioplayer instance
audioplayer audioplugin = new audioplayer();
audio player controls
future<void> play() async {
await audioplayer.play(kurl);
setstate(() => playerstate = playerstate.playing);
future<void> pause() async {
await audioplayer.pause();
setstate(() => playerstate = playerstate.paused);
future<void> stop() async {
await audioplayer.stop();
setstate(() {
playerstate = playerstate.stopped;
position = new duration();
status and current position
the dart part of the plugin listen for platform calls :
_positionsubscription = audioplayer.onaudiopositionchanged.listen(
(p) => setstate(() => position = p)
_audioplayerstatesubscription = audioplayer.onplayerstatechanged.listen((s) {
if (s == audioplayerstate.playing) {
setstate(() => duration = audioplayer.duration);
} else if (s == audioplayerstate.stopped) {
setstate(() {
position = duration;
}, onerror: (msg) {
setstate(() {
playerstate = playerstate.stopped;
duration = new duration(seconds: 0);
position = new duration(seconds: 0);
do not forget to cancel all the subscriptions when the widget is disposed.
ios app transport security
by default ios forbids loading from non-https url. to cancel this restriction edit your .plist and add :
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