ff navigation bar
a highly configurable navigation bar with emphasis for the selected item.
add dependency
ff_navigation_bar: ^0.0.1
basic use
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:ff_navigation_bar/ff_navigation_bar.dart';
return scaffold(
backgroundcolor: colors.grey[200],
body: customscrollview(
slivers: [
context: context,
title: homedata.gettitle(),
actions: homedata.getavailableactions(),
forceelevated: true,
child: homedata.getchild(),
bottomnavigationbar: ffnavigationbar(
theme: ffnavigationbartheme(
barbackgroundcolor: colors.white,
selecteditembackgroundcolor: colors.green,
selecteditemiconcolor: colors.white,
selecteditemlabelcolor: colors.black,
selectedindex: 1,
onselecttab: (index) {},
items: [
icondata: icons.calendar_today,
label: 'schedule',
icondata: icons.people,
label: 'contacts',
icondata: icons.attach_money,
label: 'bills',
icondata: icons.note,
label: 'notes',
icondata: icons.settings,
label: 'settings',
the navbar has a theme class which can be used to define the majority of appearance settings for the navbar and its items.
- barbackgroundcolor: the background color for the entire bar (default = white)
- selecteditembackgroundcolor: the background color for the circleavatar widget used to display the selected item’s icon (default = blueaccent)
- selecteditemiconcolor: the color for the selected item’s icon (default = white)
- selecteditemlabelcolor: the color for the selected item’s label (default = black)
- unselecteditembackgroundcolor: the background color for unselected items (default = transparent)
- unselecteditemiconcolor: the color for unselected items’ icons (default = grey)
- unselecteditemlabelcolor: the color for unselected items’ icons (default = grey)
- selecteditemtextstyle: the text style to use for the selected item’s label. the selecteditemlabelcolor takes priority over any color attribute of the style (defaults to size = 13.0, weight = bold)
- unselecteditemtextstyle: the text style to use for the unselected items’ labels (defaults to size = 12.0, weight = normal)
- barheight: the height for the bar (which is automatically included within a safearea widget)
- itemwidth: the width to use for the selected item circleavater (default = 48.0)
- showselecteditemshadow: indicates if the drop shadow below the selected item should be displayed (default = true)
ffnavigationbar attributes
- selectedindex: the item number (zero indexed) which should be marked as selected
- onselecttab: callback function to receive tap notifications using the typedef
function(int selectedindex)
- items: list of ffnavigationbaritem objects to be displayed as the bar’s items
- theme: a ffnavigationbartheme theme object
- label: the string to display as the item’s label
- icondata: the icondata to use in the item’s icon
- animationduration: a duration object which can be used to tweak the animatedcontainer behaviour of the navigation bar item.
- selectedbackgroundcolor: a color value which can override the theme’s selecteditembackgroundcolor value for a specific navigation bar item (used to create different colors for each item)
- selectedforegroundcolor: a color value which can override the theme’s selecteditemiconcolor value
- selectedlabelcolor: a color value which can override the theme’s selecteditemlabelcolor value
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