code input
a flutter widget for inputting content with a fixed length, visually treating each character as a separate segment.
this is a small example:
length: 4,
keyboardtype: textinputtype.number,
builder: codeinputbuilders.lightcircle(),
onfilled: (value) => print('your input is $value.'),
![[2025] Code Input #1 Fix Length Content code input](https://i0.wp.com/i.imgur.com/en5c9hz.gif?w=770&ssl=1)
![[2025] Code Input #1 Fix Length Content](https://i0.wp.com/raw.githubusercontent.com/rahiche/flutter_code_input/master/screenshots/new%20code%20input.gif?w=770&ssl=1)
for more information about the properties, have a look at the api reference.
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