


History of Me wants to be your own personal diary in the digital age. Browse through all of your diary entries and organize your writings. Create, edit and read individual entries and relive your memories. Track your mood and feelings. History of Me offers a digital bookmark you can customize yourself. This app will store your data only on your device. No one else but you will be able to read your diary!

“StarBook” is a digital diary, and a mood tracking app. The user will be able to rate his mood for each day and write a short story for him, like how his day was. Color is given to each mood, let’s say, green for a happy mood, red for angry and yellow for a sad mood. The statistics of users will be visualized in a methodical structure. For this the app will form a graph, calendar, each date box is colored with the color of users’ aura lets say green for positive spirits. StarBook will cooperate with users to boost their positive energy and train healthy thinking, correspondingly moving towards calmer and patient personality. StarBook will use positive psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy for you to better understand yourself, overcoming stress, anxiety, and depressions. The app is all in all focused to give personalized experience to every individual user, increasing their productivity, objectivity, and emotional health.