weather app
weather app
a weather app inspired by the beautiful designs made by alyssa-maree. in this app you’ll be able to find out the live weather data in the current location, hourly weather and 7 day weather of the device as well as the weather for any city you can think of!
what is used in this project
- how to use dart to perform asynchronous tasks.
- async and await.
- futures.
- network with the dart http package.
- openweatherapi to get weather data using latitude, longitude and city
- jsons and parse them using the dart convert package.
- pass data forwards and backwards between screens using the navigator.
- handle exceptions in dart using try/catch/throw.
- lifecycle of stateful widgets and override them.
- geolocator package to get live location data for both ios and android.
- textfield widget to take user input.
- spinner to show to user while the data loads.
- day and night ui colour change dynamically.
- expansionpanellist view.
- temperature
- feels like temperature
- visibility
- pressure
- max temperature
- wind speed
- humidity
- day/night mode
- search weather by city
- get current weather on clicking on ‘place icon’
- hourly weather forecast with dynamic temperature, weather icon and time in horizontal scrolling
- get autocomplete list of cities as you type using google places api
- google places api for searching city name.
- 7 day weather forecast
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