the “stackview” system, as i like to call it because i don’t know the real name, is now the default navigation system for ios 13. as a fan of this, i decided to implement a very easy-to-use version of it for flutter as well.
it is highly recommended to read the documentation and run the example project on a real device to fully understand and inspect the full range of capabilities.
how to use navigation tool/widget
first, instantiate the cupertinostackviewcontroller that is provided by “misc.dart” with the required parameters:
cupertinostackviewcontroller = cupertinostackviewcontroller(
"page i": (buildcontext context, dynamic parameters) {
return pagei();
"page ii": (buildcontext context, dynamic parameters) {
return pageii();
"page iii": (buildcontext context, dynamic parameters) {
return pageiii();
"page iv": (buildcontext context, dynamic parameters) {
return pageiv();
then create a cupertinostackview widget as shown in the example:
true, //_isprimary
"page i", //_navigation
scaffold(...), //_child, //_backgroundcolor
{key key,
radius : radius.circular(10.0)})
further explanations:
for a complete set of descriptions for all parameters and methods, see the documentation.
- the [cupertinostackviewcontroller] from ‘misc.dart’ has to be initialised as soon as the application starts via the [void initialise(double height, double width)] method. use this method with the [mediaquery.of(context).size.height] and [mediaquery.of(context).size.width] values.
- use [cupertinostackviewcontroller]’s [future back(buildcontext context, dynamic parameters) async] and [future navigate(string targetnavigation, buildcontext context, dynamic parameters) async] methods for the corresponding actions. do not call [navigator] methods directly.
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