flutter animations gallery
this project is a showcase of the most common flutter animation apis.
also available as a flutter web demo.
- [x] curves: a showcase of all built-in flutter animation curves
- [x] themes: primary color theme selection (red, indigo, green, brown)
- [x] duration: slider to set the duration of various animations in the app
implicit animations
- [x] animatedcontainer
- [x] animatedpositioned
- [x] tweenanimationbuilder
explicit animations
- [x] scaletransition
- [x] rotationtransition
- [x] staggered animations
- [x] animated ring (
other features
- [x] adaptive ui: drawer navigation on mobile portrait, split view on mobile landscape or bigger form factors
- [x] global application state with riverpod (selected curve, theme, duration)
note: i may expand this to include more examples in the future. contributions and prs are welcome.
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