masked text
masked text input for flutter.
to install masked text follow this guide.
import the library
import 'package:flutter_masked_text/flutter_masked_text.dart';
masked text
create your mask controller:
var controller = new maskedtextcontroller(mask: '000.000.000-00');
set controller to your text field:
return new materialapp(
title: 'flutter demo',
theme: new themedata(
primaryswatch: colors.blue,
home: new safearea(
child: new scaffold(
body: new column(
children: <widget>[
new textfield(controller: controller,) // <--- here
this is the result:
![[2025] Masked Text Input for Flutter masked text input for flutter](https://i0.wp.com/raw.githubusercontent.com/benhurott/flutter-masked-text/master/doc/mask.mov.gif?w=770&ssl=1)
mask options
in mask, you can use the following characters:
: accept numbersa
: accept letters@
: accept numbers and letters*
: accept any character
initial value
to start a mask with initial value, just use text
property on constructor:
var controller = new maskedtextcontroller(mask: '000-000', text: '123456');
update text programaticaly
if you want to set new text after controller initiatialization, use the updatetext
var controller = new maskedtextcontroller(text: '', mask: '000-000');
print(controller.text); //123-456
using custom translators
if you want to use your custom regex to allow values, you can pass a custom translation dictionary:
const translator = {
'#': new regexp(r'my regex here')
var controller = new maskedtextcontroller(mask: '####', translator: translator);
if you want to use default translator but override some of then, just get base from getdefaulttranslator
and override what you want (here is a sample for obfuscated credit card):
var translator = maskedtextcontroller.getdefaulttranslator(); // get new instance of default translator.
translator.remove('*'); // removing wildcard translator.
var controller = new maskedtextcontroller(mask: '0000 **** **** 0000', translator: translator);
print(controller.text); //1234 **** **** 5678
change the mask in runtime
you can use the updatemask
method to change the mask after the controller was created.
var cpfcontroller = new maskedtextcontroller(text: '12345678901', mask: '000.000.000-00');
print(cpfcontroller.text); //'123.456.789-01'
print(cpfcontroller.text); //'123.456.7890-1'
money mask
to use money mask, create a moneymaskedtextcontroller:
var controller = new moneymaskedtextcontroller();
new textfield(controller: controller, keyboardtype: textinputtype.number)
decimal and thousand separator
it’s possible to customize decimal
and thousand
var controller = new moneymaskedtextcontroller(decimalseparator: '.', thousandseparator: ',');
set value programaticaly
to set value programaticaly, use updatevalue
get double value
to get the number value from masked text, use the numbervalue
double val = controller.numbervalue;
using decoration symbols
you can use currency symbols if you want:
// left symbol
var controller = new moneymaskedtextcontroller(leftsymbol: 'r$ ');
print(controller.text); //<-- r$ 123,45
// right symbol
var controller = new moneymaskedtextcontroller(rightsymbol: ' us
using default texteditingcontroller
the maskedtextcontroller and moneymaskedtextcontroller extends texteditingcontroller. you can use all default native methods from this class.
- [x] custom translations
- [x] money mask
- [ ] raw text widget
- [ ] default pre-sets like cpf, cnpj, date, credit card, etc…
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