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Auto App Translate


A library that screenshots by language and then creates and distributes store images by language.

"Buy Me A Coffee"

How to Use?

0. prepare

The following libraries must be set up to apply this library

1. create android / ios emulator

it should be made to fit the size of the store. please refer this link


  1. open android studio
  2. tools – Device Manager – Create Device – New Hardware Profile
    1. Samsung Galaxy S10
      1. Device Name: Samsung Galaxy S10
      2. Screen – Resolution: 1440 x 3040
      3. click next until “Verify Configuration” step
      4. click “Show Advanced Settings”
      5. Emulated Performance – Boot option: Cold Boot
      6. Memory and Storage – Internal Storage: more then 2000MB
    2. nexus_9
      1. Device Name: nexus_9
      2. Screen – Resolution: 1536 x 2048
      3. click next until “Verify Configuration” step
      4. click “Show Advanced Settings”
      5. Emulated Performance – Boot option: Cold Boot
      6. Memory and Storage – Internal Storage: more then 2000MB


  1. open xcode
    1. window in the menu bar
    2. click “devices and simulators”
    3. click “Simulator” in the top left
    4. click “+” in the bottom left
    5. add
      1. iPhone 8
      2. iPhone 8 Plus
      3. iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2rd generation)
      4. iPhone 13 Pro Max

2. set the gitingore.

  • Because there are hundreds of images, you need to exclude those images from git.


3. Set the scene of the screenshot in the app

  • before taking a screenshot, you need to set which screen to take a screenshot.

1. download file, and put it in the project root directory.


  • Please set the part you want to screenshot and insert the screenshot code. Please refer to the official document for details.

2. create “auto_translate” directory in the project root directory.

3. download folder, and put it in the “auto_translate” directory.

4. create “make_screenshot.dart” file in the “auto_translate” directory and write the following code.

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:emulators/emulators.dart';
import 'package:auto_screenshot_translate/callable/core_my/my_language_code/entity/flutter_support_language_for_screenshot.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
   // Create the config instance
   final emu = await;

   // Shutdown all the running emulators
   await emu.shutdownAll();

   // For each emulator in the list, we run `flutter drive`.
   await emu.forEach([
      'iPhone 8 Plus',
      'iPhone 8',
      'iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5th generation)',
      'iPhone 13 Pro Max',
   ])((device) async {
      for (final c in flutterLocalizeSupportLanguagesForScreenShot) {
         final p = await
            config: c,
         await stdout.addStream(p.stdout);

5. Open the terminal in the project root and enter the following to create a screenshots.

dart auto_translation/make_screenshots.dart 

6. you can see the screenshots in the “auto_translation/screenshots” directory.

7. remove underbar in the file name of the galaxy screenshots.

  • create dart file name is “frame_galaxy_remove_under_bar.dart” in the “auto_translate” directory and write the following code.

import 'package:auto_screenshot_translate/auto_screenshot_translate.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
  • run this file in the terminal.
dart auto_translation/frame_galaxy_remove_under_bar.dart 

8. prepare screenshot title for generate store images.

  • create dart file name is “frame_prepare.dart” in the “auto_translate” directory and write the following code.

import 'package:auto_screenshot_translate/auto_screenshot_translate.dart';
import 'package:auto_screenshot_translate/callable/core_my/my_screenshot_helper/entity/my_screenshot_info.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
  MyScreenshotInfo myScreenshotInfo = MyScreenshotInfo(
    // not use
    screenshotTitle01: "",
    screenshotTitle02: "",
    screenshotTitle03: "",
    screenshotTitle04: "",
    screenshotTitle05: "",

    // using (screenshot top text)
    screenshotSubTitle01: "",
    screenshotSubTitle02: "",
    screenshotSubTitle03: "",
    screenshotSubTitle04: "",
    screenshotSubTitle05: "",

    // screenshot start language for translate
    screenshotStartLanguageCode: "en",

  • Fill in the screenshotSubTitle0~ with the instructions you want to use and run the code below at the project root terminal.
dart auto_translation/frame_prepare.dart
  • after translate, you can see “keyword.strings” file in the auto_translation/screenshots directory.

9. Enter the following command in the project root terminal to generate store images.

dart auto_translation/frameit-chrome/bin/frameit_chrome.dart 

10. You can see that the store image is generated in the “auto_translation/framed” directory as follows.

11. Move the generated file to the file structure that fastlane can understand.

  • create dart file name is “framed_distribute.dart” in the “auto_translate” directory and write the following code.

import 'package:auto_screenshot_translate/auto_screenshot_translate.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
  • run this file in the terminal.
dart auto_translation/framed_distribute.dart 
  • You can see the files that are made of structures that fastlane can understand.

12. deploy to play store and app store.

– play store

1. Setup the fastlane config file(android)

please refer to the official document and auto_store_translate library.

2. Add the code below under platform:android do in the android/fastlane/fastfile file.

    lane :metaWithScreenshot do
          track: 'internal',
          metadata_path: '../auto_translation/metadata/android',
          skip_upload_changelogs: true,
          release_status: 'draft',
          aab: '../build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab',

3. Open the terminal in the android project location and enter the following.

fastlane metaWithScreenshot

4. You will see the translated information in the play store console.

– app store

1. Setup the fastlane config file(ios)

please refer to the official document.

2. Add the code below under platform:ios do in the ios/fastlane/fastfile file.

   lane :onlyScreenShotOverWrite do
      get_certificates           # invokes cert
      get_provisioning_profile   # invokes sigh
          skip_metadata: true,
          screenshots_path: '../metadata/[프로젝트명]/ios/screenshots',
          overwrite_screenshots: true,
          force: true, # Skip HTMl report verification
          # skip_screenshots: true,
          skip_binary_upload: true,

3. Open the terminal in the ios project location and enter the following.

fastlane onlyScreenShotOverWrite

4. You will see the translated information in the app store connect.

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