flutter heat map calendar
a heat map calendar based on github’s contributions chart which can be used to visualize values over time.
1. depend on it
add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file:
heatmap_calendar: ^1.2.5
2. install it
you can install packages from the command line:
with pub:
$ pub get
with flutter:
$ flutter pub get
import 'package:heatmap_calendar/heatmap_calendar.dart';
import 'package:heatmap_calendar/time_utils.dart';
input: {
timeutils.removetime(datetime.now().subtract(duration(days: 3))): 5,
timeutils.removetime(datetime.now().subtract(duration(days: 2))): 35,
timeutils.removetime(datetime.now().subtract(duration(days: 1))): 14,
timeutils.removetime(datetime.now()): 5,
colorthresholds: {
1: colors.green[100],
10: colors.green[300],
30: colors.green[500]
weekdayslabels: ['s', 'm', 't', 'w', 't', 'f', 's'],
monthslabels: [
squaresize: 16.0,
textopacity: 0.3,
labeltextcolor: colors.bluegrey,
daytextcolor: colors.blue[500],
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