flutter focus widget
a focusable and blurable widget of use the focusnode.
- when the focuswidget had focus
tap this focuswidget outside area
will call the focusnode’s unfocus method and trigger the focusnode’s listener
class _myhomepagestate extends state<myhomepage> {
final focusnode _address = focusnode(), _name = focusnode();
widget build(buildcontext context) {
final language = demolocalizations.of(context);
return scaffold(
appbar: appbar(
title: text(widget.title),
drawer: drawer(
child: safearea(
child: listview(
padding: edgeinsets.only(left: 10, right: 10),
children: [
(ctx, focusnode) => textfield(
focusnode: focusnode,
autofocus: true,
decoration: inputdecoration(
hinttext: 'input 1',
labeltext: 'input 1',
body: singlechildscrollview(
padding: edgeinsets.only(left: 10, right: 10),
child: column(
crossaxisalignment: crossaxisalignment.start,
children: [
width: 100,
child: focuswidget(
focusnode: _address,
child: textfield(
focusnode: _address,
decoration: inputdecoration(
hinttext: 'input 2', labeltext: 'input 2'),
focusnode: _name,
child: textfield(
focusnode: _name,
decoration: inputdecoration(
hinttext: 'input 3', labeltext: 'input 3'),
height: 1000,
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