a flutter widget for scrollv,iew, pop when overscroll like instagram, pinterest.
getting started
- include the package to your project as dependency:
overscroll_pop: <latest version>
- use the widget:
wrap your scaffold
or top widget by overscrollpop
, every scrol,lview
widget (listview
, gridview
, pageview
, customscrollview
, …) which has scroll physics clampingscrollphysics
(important) will have overscroll to pop effect.
home: scaffold(
appbar: appbar(
title: const text('overscroll example'),
body: builder(
builder: (c) => center(
child: hero(
tag: '${scrolltopopoption.start}${dragtopopdirection.toright}',
child: elevatedbutton(
onpressed: () => pushpage(
(buildcontext context, _, __) => verticalscro,llview(
scrolltopopoption: scrolltopopoption.start,
dragtopopdirection: dragtopopdirection.toright,
child: text('vertical scrol,lview ${scrolltopopoption.start}'),
class verticalscrollview extends statelesswidget {
final scrolltopopoption scrolltopopoption;
final dragtopopdirection? dragtopopdirection;
const verticalscrollview({
key? key,
this.scrolltopopoption = scrolltopopoption.start,
}) : super(key: key);
widget build(buildcontext context) {
return overscrollpop(
scrolltopopoption: scrolltopopoption,
dragtopopdirection: dragtopopdirection,
child: container(
clipbehavior: clip.hardedge,
decoration: boxdecoration(borderradius: borderradius.circular(16.0)),
child: scaffold(
appbar: preferredsize(
preferredsize: size.fromheight(ktoolbarheight),
child: hero(
tag: '$scrolltopopoption${dragtopopdirection ?? ''}',
child: appbar(
title: text(
'vertical scrollview',
overflow: textoverflow.visible,
body: listview.builder(
physics: const clampingscrollphysics(),
itembuilder: (_, index) => container(
height: 160.0,
margin: const edgeinsets.symmetric(vertical: 8.0),
color: index % 2 == 0 ? colors.cyanaccent : colors.orangeaccent,
child: column(
children: [
if (dragtopopdirection != null)
itemcount: mediaquery.of(context).size.height ~/ 160.0 + 2,
- configure scroll direction and add extra drag to pop:
- by default, the effect only apply for overscroll at the start of
(top edge of vertical scroll, left edge of horizontal scroll)
- by default, the effect only apply for overscroll at the start of
- to enable the end edge (or both edges) for overscroll to pop, set `scrolltopopoption` to `scrolltopopoption.end` (or `scrolltopopoption.both`)
scrolltopopoption: scrolltopopoption.end, // or scrolltopopoption.both
- beside overscroll, you can config the other drag direction to achieve the pop effect by passing `dragtopopdirection`
dragtopopdirection: dragtopopdirection.totop, // totop, tobottom, toleft, toright, horizontal and vertical
- vertical scroll: drag to left, right or horizontal (both left and right)
- horizontal scroll: drag to top, bottom or vertical (both top and bottom)
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