very good cli
a very good command line interface for dart.
$ dart pub global activate very_good_cli
$ very_good create
create a very good project in seconds based on the provided template. the very good core template is used by default.
creates a new very good project in the specified directory.
usage: very_good create <output directory>
-h, --help print this usage information.
--project-name the project name for this new project. this must be a valid dart package name.
--desc the description for this new project.
(defaults to "a very good project created by very good cli.")
--org-name the organization for this new project.
(defaults to "com.example.verygoodcore")
-t, --template the template used to generate this new project.
[core] (default) generate a very good flutter application.
[dart_pkg] generate a reusable dart package.
[flutter_pkg] generate a reusable flutter package.
what’s included in very good core? ��
out of the box, very good core includes:
✅ cross platform support – built-in support for ios, android, and web (desktop coming soon!)
✅ build flavors – multiple flavor support for development, staging, and production
✅ internationalization support – internationalization support using synthetic code generation to streamline the development process
✅ sound null-safety – no more null-dereference exceptions at runtime. develop with a sound, static type system.
✅ bloc – integrated bloc architecture for scalable, testable code which offers a clear separation between business logic and presentation
✅ testing – unit and widget tests with 100% line coverage (integration tests coming soon!)
✅ logging – built-in, extensible logging to capture uncaught flutter and dart exceptions
✅ very good analysis – strict lint rules which are used at very good ventures
✅ continuous integration – lint, format, test, and enforce code coverage using github actions
* learn more at flutter starter app: very good core & cli
$ very_good --help
see the complete list of commands and usage information.
�� a very good command line interface
usage: very_good <command> [arguments]
global options:
-h, --help print this usage information.
--version print the current version.
--analytics toggle anonymous usage statistics.
[false] disable anonymous usage statistics
[true] enable anonymous usage statistics
available commands:
create very_good create <output directory>
creates a new very good flutter project in the specified directory.
run "very_good help <command>" for more information about a command.
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